Within the frameworks of the EU-funded project “community as opportunity” (co:op) the complete stock of documents of the Monastery of St. Emmeram in Regensburg (DE) at the Archives of the Bavarian State in Munich (DE) has been digitised: ca. 4500 charters from the year 194 to about 1800 will soon be available online. By taking the example of this corpus of source material, the workshop intends to bring together research questions and technical exploitation models.
Original title of the workshop:
“Entziffern, Forschen, Mitmachen: Das Kloster St. Emmeram in Regensburg und seine digitale Überlieferung”
The workshop will be held in German.
Please find further information on the programme (in German) via the link below. Registrations can be made via the form also provided via the link below:

The Bavarian State Archives
© Luiza Puiu