Full members …
- will become the backbone to a sustainable hedging of ICARUS, the availabilities of its digital internet offerings and the continuous development of new projects
- will look exclusively behind the scenes of European archives and research institutions at various events (excursions, presentations, round tables)
- will receive regular newsletters to stay up to date with the latest development and projects within ICARUS as well as with the archival world on national and international level
- have the opportunity to actively co-shape by introducing their propositions, suggestions and perspectives
Supporting members…
- contribute to the solid financial basis of ICARUS by rendering higher membership fees
- will be registered on the board of supporting members on the association´s website
- will obtain a Topotheque of their own for free, for examples see here
- will obtain their own association badge
Membership fees…
- Full membership: 35.- € p.a.
- Reduced membership (only for students, confirmation needed): 10.- € p.a.
- Supporting membership: min. 200.- € p.a.
We kindly ask our members to pay their membership fee by April 1.
Via bank transfer:
Banking institute: Oberbank
Account holder: ICARUS4all
IBAN: AT65 1502 1005 3121 7008
Via PayPal: 4all@icar-us.eu