Corporate Partnership

Be part and always stay one step ahead with us!

CaptureStart a cooperation with the Friends Association ICARUS4all today and benefit from the manifold strengths of the international archival network ICARUS!

ICARUS is a unique, ever growing network, currently comprised of more than 160 archives and academic insitutions from 30 European countries including Canada and the U.S..

As a corporate partner within ICARUS4all you not only support this uparalleled archives’ network ICARUS – more importantly, you will benefit from the possibilities of establishing new contacts at our “Companies Market” by choosing, for example, the partnership category “papyrus” or “parchment”. The “Companies Market” is the stage within ICARUS for sponsors to present their new products and services to an expert audience.

Discover your benefits from an ICARUS4all corporate partnership!

Your advantages at a glance:

Category “paper”:

  • Naming of your company including logo on the ICARUS website with ca. 300.000 click per year
  • Free-of-charge participation in the “Companies Market”

300 Euro per year

Category “papyrus”:

  • Naming of your company including logo on the ICARUS website with ca. 300.000 click per year
  • Insertion of printed advertisement material into the conference bags of the bi-annual ICARUS Conventions
  • Free-of-charge participation in the “Companies Market”

600 Euro per year

Category “parchment”:

  • Naming of your company including logo on the ICARUS website with ca. 300.000 click per year
  • Insertion of printed advertisement material into the conference bags of the bi-annual ICARUS Conventions
  • Free-of-charge participation in the “Companies Market”
  • Roll Up advertisement at bi-annual ICARUS Conventions

1.000 Euro per year

Click here to sign up!

For more information, please contact Dr. Thomas Aigner (General Director of ICARUS) at thomas.aigner[at]