
ICARUS@work @ Sofia University "St. Kliment of Ohrid"
Oct 30 all-day


Future in the past: Bulgarian history growing online

Within the ENArC project the activities of linking neighbourhoods – that is continuously expanding its network of institutions – holds a special position as it is one of the maximes of ICARUS.  As ENArC project partner  from Serbia, the Institute for Balkan Studies of the Serbian Academy of Sciences and Arts cooperates with the Institute for Literature of the Bulgarian Academy of Sciences as their neighbours for this conference. The conference will be held in S0fia and serves two purposes:

  1. show intermediate results of the mentioned cooperation, with a highlight in presenting the online archives of preserved medieval Bulgarian charters, and
  2. give colleagues with respective research interests and expertise as well as archival and cultural institutions from Bulgaria the opportunity to present and exchange their own experiences and results in digital processing of historical, especially medieval sources.

The detailed programme can be found here.


Archives and History @ Scuola Normale Superiore di Pisa
Dec 12 @ 09:15 – Dec 16 @ 18:00

The conference ARCHIVES AND HISTORY Current Trends in European Historiography of the Great War gathers international experts from the archival world who, based on demonstrative examples and specific projects, illustrate the means of contextualizing and presenting archival material regarding the First World War.

The event will take place at the Carovana in the Sala Stemmi statt and is in English.

stampa_locandina_12 dicembre_2014

Cooperation and networking of heritage institutions in the digital age @ Gradska i sveučilišna knjižnica Osijek, American Corner
Sep 22 @ 10:00 – 15:00

This conference is organized within the EU-funded project “co:op” by ICARUS and the newly founded ICARUS HR.

As official kick-off and public introduction of the Croatian archives network “ICARUS HR”, this event focuses on international initiatives and projects dedicated to the possibilities of future-oriented cooperation and development of IT infrastructures for making cultural heritage accessible in the digital age.

Programme available here.


Introduction of the Topotheque in Vukovar (HR) @ Gradski muzej Vukovar
Dec 14 @ 10:00 – 00:00

The Topotheque: Linking heritage institutions and communities

Organized within the EU-funded project “co:op”, ICARUS HR and ICARUS will introduce the online service tool Topotheque to the interested public in Vukovar (HR).

After the recent inauguration of ICARUS HR, representatives of the Croatian ICARUS network will pressent current international initiatives and projects dedicated to the possibilities of cooperation and common development of information infrastructure in the presentation of cultural heritage.

Event  language: Croatian

Please find the programme here.

Unleash the Invisible -The Power of Spectral Imaging @ Wien, Akademie der Bildenden Künste - Institut für Konservierung - Restaurierung
Jun 15 @ 14:30 – 18:00

What if you could see more? See the invisible? Access hidden information? Learn more through this extra information? This is exactly what XpectralTEK does. XpectralTEK provides you with affordable imaging solutions that allow you to see beyond what your eyes can, and learn from it.

Find out more about our state-of-the-art spectral imaging technology and see for yourself the transformation it can do to your daily work!

ICARUS and its corporate partner XpectralTEK (Portugal) organize a workshop focused on the current spectral imaging technology used in active and preventive art conservation. The basic principles of spectral imaging will be explained, and the available technological solutions demonstrated and explained. Potential applications on cultural heritage will be presented from real case studies, and the future perspectives will be discussed.

The workshop will be held in English and aims at professionals in the field of museums, archives, libraries and conservation of cultural heritage in general.

Programme incl. site plan


Registration is open until 13 June and limimted to 20 participants.

reCAPTCHA is required.

Kulturhackathon 2O18 @ St. Pölten University of Applied Sciences
Sep 20 @ 16:00 – Sep 22 @ 17:00

Open-Up and Create!

Der zweite Kulturhackathon für Österreich folgt dem Prinzip „Öffnet eure Daten und seid kreativ damit!“ Wir widmen uns vom 20. bis zum 22. September 2018 einem spannenden, sensiblen, interessanten und explosiven kulturellen Erbe.

Wir bekommen Zugang zu Material, welches oft verborgen liegt, jedoch in die Öffentlichkeit dringen möchte, um wahrgenommen und gesehen zu werden! Dem entspricht auch das heurige Motto „Bunkers, Bombs and Big Data“. Wir werden sehen, wie explosiv und wertvoll Daten sein können, wenn wir sie aktivieren!

Der Kulturhackathon möchte kulturelles Erbe zugänglich machen. Es soll den Menschen nahe gebracht werden und ihre Lebensqualität erhöhen. Gesucht werden Start-ups, die Innovatives erzeugen, um der Bevölkerung den Wert kulturellen Erbes und seine Verwertung näher zu bringen. Institutionen vernetzen sich und interdisziplinäre Kooperationen entstehen.

Für weiter Informationen zum Programm und Anmeldung, klicken Sie bitte auf unten stehenden Link:

Kulturhackathon 2018

Workshop “Decipher, Research, Participate: The Monastery of St. Emmeram in Regensburg and its Digital Tradition” @ Generaldirektion der Staatlichen Archive Bayerns
Oct 5 @ 09:30 – 16:00

Within the frameworks of the EU-funded project “community as opportunity” (co:op) the complete stock of documents of the Monastery of St. Emmeram in Regensburg (DE) at the Archives of the Bavarian State in Munich (DE) has been digitised: ca. 4500 charters from the year 194 to about 1800 will soon be available online.  By taking the example of this corpus of source material, the workshop intends to bring together research questions and technical exploitation models.

Original title of the workshop:

“Entziffern, Forschen, Mitmachen: Das Kloster St. Emmeram in Regensburg und seine digitale Überlieferung”


The workshop will be held in German.

Please find further information on the programme (in German) via the link below. Registrations can be made via the form also provided via the link below:

Programme and Registration

The Bavarian State Archives
© Luiza Puiu

Time Machine Conference 2019 @ Deutsches Hygiene-Museum Dresden
Oct 10 @ 09:00 – Oct 11 @ 17:00

Hear speakers from Europe’s leading science, technology and cultural institutions discuss the potential of cultural heritage data for education, creative and media industries, entertainment, urban planning, policymaking and more.

Meet and connect with companies and academics from throughout Europe who are actively working to realise the vast potential of our cultural heritage across fields and industries.

Further details and continuos updates on the conference´s programme can be found on the corresponding website.

Website Time Machine Conference 2019