
ICARUS Convention #28 in Paris
May 23 – May 25 all-day

The ICARUS Convention #28 will take place in Paris from 23rd – 25th of May, 2022.

Topic: Private & public archives in the 21st century.

The conference will take place in the conference center of Campus Condorcet in Paris-Aubervilliers and is organised by Institut de Recherche et d’Histoire des Textes (CNRS) with the support of the French Ministry of Culture and the National Archives (Archives nationales).

General information & accommodation
Registration (necessary to join the convention, but there is no conference fee)

Join online via zoom:
Monday, 23.05.2022: Click here.
Meeting-ID: 838 5154 6244
Passcode: 893544

Tuesday, 24.05.2022: Auditorium- Click here.
Meeting-ID: 874 4905 5355
Passcode: 598761

Tuesday, 24.05.2022: Monasterium Workshop – Click here.
Meeting-ID: 938 4817 7889
Kenncode: 2ZjHDW

Tuesday, 24.05.2022: Topothek Workshop – Click here.
Meeting-ID: 981 6431 3423
Kenncode: 2u80yf

Wednesday, 25.05.2022: Click here.
Meeting-ID: 826 1551 4053
Passcode: 047233

Do not hesitate to contact ICARUS if any questions occur:

Looking forward to seeing you there!

ICARUS Lecture #7: iMILK. An Open – Educational Resource for Mobile Learning Design @ online
Jun 8 @ 17:00 – 18:00

ICARUS Lecture #7: iMILK. An Open – Educational Resource for Mobile Learning Design


On June 08th, 2022  ICARUS hosts the seventh online lecture!

Antonella Ambrosio (Icarus 4Education, UNINA) will do an introduction. Alessandro Ciasullo and Flavia Santoianni (UNINA) will present the project iMILK!
More information about iMILK: HERE.


08.06.2022 – 05:00 p.m. CEST!

Click here to join via zoom: ZOOM.
ID: 827 2027 5031
Passcode: 958672

The lecture will be held in English.

We are looking forward to seeing you there!

ICARUS Lecture #8: “Monasterium” @ online
Sep 20 @ 15:00 – 16:00

Our summer-break will be over soon! On September 20th, 2022 we will continue with our ICARUS Lecture #8 on the topic “Monasterium” !
Georg Vogeler, Universität Graz, will talk about Monasterium and especially focus on the future of the project!

20.09.2022 – 15:00 p.m. CEST!

Click here to join via: ZOOM.
ID: 894 9278 3182
Passcode: 581293

The lecture will be held in English.

We are looking forward to seeing you there!

DIALOG CITY UNCONFERENCE @ Technische Hochschule Aschaffenburg
Sep 23 @ 09:00 – 17:00

DIALOG CITY Unconference

In recent years, the term Smart City has become deeply embedded in our language and thought patterns. It means a digitized city that uses technology to collect data, control processes and offer services. This ranges from electronic administration via self-driving public transport to smart solutions for building management. Almost every area that is data-intensive can be recorded, analysed and optimized accordingly. The European project DIALOG CITY was born out of the conviction that digital transformation is more of a mindset rather than a purely technical innovation.

Hence the overall goal of DIALOG CITY is to create a socially inclusive, environmentally friendly, and economically sustainable urban digital environment. By developing new practices on how to connect digital innovation directly to citizens’ physical participation, DIALOG CITY aims at contributing to increase access to culture through a dialogical approach… © dialog city

When: 23.09.2022, 09 a.m. – 5 p.m.
Where: University of Applied Sciences Aschaffenburg
Würzburger Str. 45, 63743 Aschaffenburg, Germany
Info & registration: 


ICARUS4all Online-Event: The Construction of Europe – EDT Exhibition @ ONLINE
Sep 26 @ 16:30 – 18:30

The Construction of Europe – European Digital Treasures Exhibition I

This is the first event of a series of three online events which refers to the European Digital Treasures project and the three exhibitions created within the project! The event will give an insight of the creation of  the “The Construction of Europe” exhibition as well as discuss the content. The exhibition was shown from May to June 2022 at the Museum am Dom in St. Pölten!
The session will be held in English and in German, directly one after the other.

26.09.2022 – 16:30 English
26.09.2022 – 17:30 German

Speaker: Thomas Aigner, President ICARUS

There is only one ZOOM-Login for both sessions.
Monday, 26. September 2022, 16:30 / 17:30
Join Zoom-Meeting: HERE
Meeting-ID: 882 2422 8867
Passcode: 560440

DiDip – From Digital to Distant Diplomatics @ University of Graz
Sep 28 @ 09:30 – Sep 30 @ 17:00

Digital Diplomatics 2022 Conference (28.-30.9.22)

The Digital Diplomatics conference will take place from 28-30 of September, 2022 in Graz (AT)!

…As early as the 1970s, diplomatics, i.e. research on mediaeval documents, noticed the benefits of the computer for the indexing and editing of mediaeval charter collections. In the following decades, numerous relevant research projects were initiated that explored and clarified the potential of a connection between digital humanities and the methods of historical auxiliary sciences…© DiDip.

Here you can find the programme with the abstracts of the presenters and a lot more practical information about travelling to Graz, online access and registration!

ICARUS4all Online-Event: Exiles, migratory flows & solidarity – EDT Exhibition @ ONLINE
Oct 3 @ 16:30 – 18:30

Exiles, migratory flows & solidarity – European Digital Treasures Exhibition II

This is the second event of a series of three online events which refers to the European Digital Treasures project and the three exhibitions created within the project! The event will give an insight of the creation of  the “Exiles, migratory flows and solidarity” exhibition and present the content. The exhibition was shown from July to August 2022 at the Museum am Dom in St. Pölten!
The session will be held in English and in German, directly one after the other.

03.10.2022 – 16:30 English
03.10.2022 – 17:30 German

Speaker of the English session: Ole Gausdal, National Archives of Norway
Speaker of the German session: Karl Heinz, ICARUS

There is only one ZOOM-Login for both sessions.
Monday, 03. October 2022, 16:30 / 17:30
Join the Zoom meeting: HERE
Meeting-ID: 835 7726 4489
Passcode: 291698

ICARUS4all Online-Event: European Discoveries – EDT Exhibition @ ONLINE
Oct 10 @ 16:30 – 18:30

European Discoveries – European Digital Treasures Exhibition III

This is the third and last event of a series of three online events which refers to the European Digital Treasures project and the three exhibitions created within the project! The event will give an insight of the creation of  the “European Discoveries” exhibition and present the content. The exhibition is shown from September to October 2022 at the Museum am Dom in St. Pölten!
The session will be held in English and in German, directly one after the other.

10.10.2022 – 16:30 English
10.10.2022 – 17:30 German

Speaker of the English session: Anabela Ribeiro, DGLAB
Speaker of the German session: Karl Heinz, ICARUS

There is only one ZOOM-Login for both sessions.
Monday, 10. October 2022, 16:30 / 17:30
Join the Zoom meeting: HERE
Meeting-ID: 896 9025 9503
Passcode: 160768

ICARUS Convention #29 in St. Pölten (AT) @ CINEMA PARADISO ST. PÖLTEN
Nov 14 @ 14:00 – Nov 15 @ 12:00

The next ICARUS convention will take place from 14.-15. November 2022 in St. Pölten!


The convention will be an in-person event (no online attendees) and will be held in English.

Monday, 14.11.2022 
14:00             Opening
14:15             EDT: TREASURES IN ARCHIVES  – movie-afternoon*
18:30             Reception

Tuesday, 15.11.2022
09:00             NEWS from ICARUS
10:15             NEWS from PARTNERS
11:45             Outlook: ICARUS Convention #30 & #31
13:30             Board Meeting (with invitation only) – programme

See the full programme of the convention & click here for additional information about travelling and accommodation possibilities.

TREASURES IN ARCHIVES – movie-afternoon

*Within the movie-afternoon “TREASURES IN ARCHIVES” you will see several short-films / short-documentaries, which were produced within an international contest created within the framework of the European Digital Treasures project. The topics of the documentaries differ from one another, but they have one important thing in common: The basis of those short-films is archival material, which shows how useful this material can be for filmmakers.
Don’t miss it!

Outlook …

“Heiresses” – Silvia Venegas
“History on the Way” – Matteo Bernardini
“Guernica: the last Exile” – Guillermo Logar
(the movies will be in English or with English subtitels)

… and some more!


We are looking forward to seeing you soon! 



ICARUS Lecture #9: “C4Education” @ online
Dec 15 @ 16:00 – 17:00

C4Education – Virtual Lab Develops Digital Heritage Tools With Europe in Mind



On December 15th, 2022 the #9 ICARUS online lecture will be held by Gustavo Nogueira de Menezes about the project C4Education!

“C4Education project partners are developing a virtual lab for digital tools to advance knowledge transfer in the field of cultural heritage, bundle these tools and offer them commercially to small and medium-sized museums, tourism agencies and other cultural institutions.” More information.

About the speaker:
Gustavo Nogueira researches temporalities, narratives and systems about time
Founder of the Torus Company and the Temporality Lab, he works with a transdisciplinary community around the world that seeks from a decolonial perspective to be in sync with the multiple temporalities of our planet. Brazilian from the Amazon region, he has lived in Amsterdam since 2017, where he is a member of the Time Machine Organization and currently coordinates C4EDUCATION, a project about education on cultural heritage at the University of Jena, Germany. He has already carried out education projects with the main companies and leading vehicles in Latin America – Globo, Google, Netflix, Nubank, Santander, Spotify – addressing topics such as the spirit of time, change, ancestry, the future, speculative design and decoloniality.

15.12.2022 – 04:00 p.m. CET!

Click here to join via: ZOOM.
ID: 882 5698 1100
Passcode: 609297

The lecture will be held in English.

We are looking forward to seeing you online!