“Offene Archive” | ArchivCamp

06/19/2017 @ 10:30 – 06/20/2017 @ 18:00
Landesarchiv Nordrhein-Westfalen
Schifferstraße 30
47059 Duisburg

At the fourth conference “Offene Archive” (Open Archives), modern and innovative developments in the German and international archives’ world take centre stage: from archival blogging to digital presentations up to virtual user contacts. The list of presenters stretches from Germany to the Netherlands up to the US, from archives to companies up to Wikipedia.


The ArchivCamp in connection with the conference is the first BarCamp in the German speaking archive world. It´s all about proactive involvement, exchange of ideas and enthusiasm. There is no trial and error – every idea is a step towards innovation!

Click here for more information on the event’s programme (in German).

Organizers: VdA-Working Group „Offene Archive“ in cooperation with the State Archives NRW, the LWL Archivamt for Westphalia, the Institute for City History Frankfurt am Main, the Rhineland-Westphalian Archive for Economy in Cologne, the Regional Archives of Siegen-Wittgenstein and ICARUS within the EU-funded project “co:op“.