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12/12/2023 @ 17:00 – 18:00
ICARUS Lecture
BoostDigiCulture Microlearning Upskilling Programme:
Promoting digital skills and opportunities for cultural professionals
On Tuesday, 12th of December 2023, Sabrina Köhnke (Stiftung Digitale Chancen, Germany) and Dr. Stefania Savva (Synthesis Center for Research and Education, Cyprus) will present the project “BoostDigiCulture” as well as its newly developed Microlearning Upskilling Programme and discuss the benefits of microlearning for the promotion of digital skills among busy cultural heritage professionals.
Date: 12.12.2023
Time: 17.00 CET

Zoom: Click here to join via zoom.
Meeting-ID: 868 9053 3517
Passcode: 904500
The lecture will be held in English.
We are looking forward to seeing you soon online!