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06/05/2019 – 06/07/2019 all-day
Hotel “San” Laktaši
Karađorđeva 44
Bosnia and Herzegovina
Karađorđeva 44
Bosnia and Herzegovina
The Oranizing Committee of the 3rd Archival Conrgess in Bosnia and Herzegovina and the Archival Association of Bosnia and Herzegovina are convening the third congress of archival professionals and scholars in a 3-day conference. Next to paper presentations divided in three thematic sessions, the congress will also feature other events. The congress location is the Hotel “San” in the town of Laktaši.
The dates are 5th to 7th June 2019, Wednesday to Friday, several days before the International Archives Day.
The three themes and their concpetual framework are these:
- Archives and education
- Records on and from Bosnia and Herzegovina beyond its borders
- Archives in the post-truth era
Deadline for submitting applications: 15 April 2019