Welcoming submissions for the 2024 EAC Thesis Award


The Expatriate Archive Centre (EAC) invites master’s students worldwide to submit theses that contribute to the scholarship of expatriation studies.

The winner of the thesis award will receive €500, the executive summary of the thesis will be published online by the EAC and organisations involved in this initiative.

The submission deadline is 31 March 2024. Candidates must ensure their thesis meets the following criteria:

  • should relate to the EAC’s mission and objectives;
  • written in English;
  • has been awarded a mark of 8/10 or more (or equivalent, e.g., 16/20 or more, or an ‘A’);
  • is from the 2019–20, 2020–21, 2021–22, or 2022–23 academic year.

The following criteria are used to assess submitted theses, the weight of each in percentages: originality and innovation (20%); technical quality (30%); composition (10%); potential for contributing to the stimulation of scholarly (e.g. theoretical, methodological, etc.) perspectives regarding the Award theme (20%); potential for contributing to the stimulation of practical engagement by policy, industry and/or civil society actors with the Award theme (20%).

To apply, please submit the digital application form.

If you want to know more about the evaluation process, the jurors, how to apply or our partner organisations, visit the EAC Thesis Award page. Questions can be sent to welcome@xpatarchive.com.
© EAC.