ICARUS Convention #33

UPDATE: Final Programme is available now – go here.

Thanks to the great motivation and engagement of the community, our team in Naples received an impressive number of abstracts and has compiled a captivating programme for our Convention “European Travel Routes through GLAM. The Challenge of Becoming Digital” from 16th-18th of October at the Royal Palace of Portici/IT.

We’ll start on Wednesday, 16th October, early afternoon with the General Assembly of our Association, leading on to the official opening of the Convention at 16:00 with opening words and a keynote speech by Prof. Marina Buzzoni (Università Ca’ Foscari Venezia, Associazione di Informatica Umanistica e Cultura Digitale/IT) diving with us into the Convention topic of Travel Routes with “The Devisement dou Monde between real and virtual journeys: travels within the Polo’s digital galaxy”.

The first day will end with a common dinner (at one’s own expenses).

Thursday invites you to choose between parallel sessions, enlighting the topic of travel in connection with archival heritage from different perspectives. The afternoon is reserved for workshops on Monasterium and Didactic Education, closing off with a social gathering in the evening.

Friday morning will again offer parallel sessions, concluding around noon with a special guided tour through the Royal Palace of Portici to view the MUSA Gouache exhibition currently on display.

Registration closed on 3 October 2024.

Find here some information on how to get to the event location.

Looking forward to seeing you in Naples!

“La Reggia di Portici e il Vesuvio” by Adriana Pignatelli Mangoni