ICARUS is organized as an association under Austrian Law, consisting of more than 140 public bodies from 23 European states and Canada. Its basic aims and goals are defined in its constitution, which is determined by the Association’s General Assembly. The Executive Board is responsible for the Association’s basic economic and strategic goals. Based on the Rules of Procedure, given by the Executive Board, the Management carries out the Association’s day-to-day business.
Executive Board
The Management of the Association is incumbent on the Executive Board, chaired by the President, who is in charge of the ongoing business activities and acts as the Association’s main representative. He is supported by two Vice-Presidents. The Treasurer, the Secretary and their proxies, as well as the co-opted members, complete the Board. On June 7th, 2011 the General Assembly elected the current Management to be in office from 2011 to 2014 and respectively co-opted the following persons into the Executive Board:
- Thomas Aigner, Diözesanarchiv St. Pölten (St. Pölten Episcopal Archive, AT)
- Vlatka Lemić, Hrvatski državni arhiv (Croatian State Archive, HR)
- Antonella Ambrosio, Universitá Federico II. Napoli (University “Federico II.“ Naples, IT)
- Herbert Wurster, Archiv des Bistums Passau (The Archives of the Roman Catholic Diocese of Passau, Bavaria, DE)
Treasurer Deputy
- Zarko Vujošević, Balkanološki institut SANU (Balkan Institute of the Serbian Academy of Science and Arts, RS)
- Tomáš Černušák, Moravský zemský archiv v Brňe (Moravian State Archive in Brno, CZ)
Secretary Deputy
- István Kenyeres, Budapest Föváros Levéltára (Budapest City Archive, HU)
- Karl Heinz, International Centre for Archival Research (ICARUS, AT)
Co-opted Members
- Thomas Just, Österreichisches Staatsarchiv (Austrian State Archive, AT)
- Joachim Kemper, Stadtarchiv Speyer (City Archive of Speyer, DE)
- Andreas Kränzle, Klosterarchiv Einsiedeln (Monastic Archive Einsiedeln, CH)
- Krah Adelheid, Institut für Geschichte, Universität Wien und IOeG (Institute for History, University Vienna and Institute for Austrian History, AT)
- Alena Pazderová, Národní Archiv (Czech National Archive, CZ)
- Jitka Křečková, Národní Archiv (Czech National Archive, CZ)
- Jakob Kuratli, Stiftsarchiv St. Gallen (Archives of the Abbey St. Gall, CH)
- Stella Montanari, Scuola Normale Superiore di Pisa (Pisa Academy, IT)
- Radoslav Ragač, Slovenský Národný Archív (Slovak National Archive, SK)
- Csaba Reisz, Magyar Országos Levéltár (Hungarian State Archive, HU)
- Francesco Roberg, Hessisches Staatsarchiv Marburg (Hessian State Archive Marburg, DE)
- Manfred Tschaikner, Vorarlberger Landesarchiv (Vorarlberg Provincial Archive, AT)
- Julian Holzapfl, Generaldirektion der Staatlichen Archive Bayerns (General Directorate of the Bavarian State Archives, DE)
- Jure Volčjak, Arhiv Republike Slovenije (Archive of the Republic of Slovenia, SI)
The Board of Trustees
The Board of Trustees supports and advises the Managing Board whenever scientific and economic expertise is needed. The current members are:
- em. Univ.-Prof. Dr. Karl Brunner: Institut für Österreichische Geschichtsforschung (AT)
- Dir. PhDr. Eva Drašarová: Narodní archiv Praha (CZ)
- PhDr. Matevž Košir: Arhiv Republike Slovenije (SI)
- Gen.-Dir. Dr. Margit Ksoll-Marcon: Generaldirektion der Staatlichen Archive Bayerns (DE)
- Dir. Dr. Gerhart Marckhgott: Oberösterreichisches Landesarchiv (AT)
- Gen.-Dir. a. D. Prof. Dr. Lorenz Mikoletzky, Österreichisches Staatsarchiv (AT)
- Univ.-Prof. Manfred Thaller, Universität Köln, Historisch-Kulturwissenschaftliche Informationsbearbeitung (DE)
- Ing. Jozef Hanus, CSc.: Odbor archívov a registratúr, Ministerstvo vnútra Slovenskej republiky (SK)
Honorary Members
The Honorary members are nominated as a result of their particular contribution to the Association. The General Assembly decides upon the motion of the Managing Board.
- Vácslav Babička, Czech Republic (2009) († 2012)
- Karl Brunner, Austria (2009)
- Lorenz Mikoletzy, Austria (2009)
- Jozef Hanus, Slovak Republic (2013)